This design-build project improves safety, system linkage, provides congestion relief, and addresses roadway deficiencies for 11 miles of roadway along I-35E and US 67 south of downtown Dallas.

Aguirre & Fields was responsible for the structural design of 11 bridges, 28 retaining walls, and 20 noise walls along the IH-35E and US 67 corridors for the Southern Gateway design-build project.

Our bridge team was responsible for a mix of underpasses, overpasses, and widenings of existing bridges with concrete girders ranging in depth from 28” to 70”. Particularly challenging aspects included coordination of roadway profiles to minimize bridge haunches, location of phase joints to satisfy MOT requirements, and optimizing girder designs to minimize cost and time.

Our retaining wall team was responsible for the geometric layout and design of 18 MSE walls, 9 soil nail walls, 1 drilled shaft wall, and 20 noise walls. They developed plan & profile layouts, typical sections, structural details, and completed geometry/structural design calculations.