Harris County is one of the fastest-growing counties in the country, with over 30% growth since 2000 alone. Montgomery County has seen over 28% growth since 2000. As the population has exploded in the vast unincorporated areas, so has traffic. The Tomball Tollway provides welcome congestion relief for Northwest Harris County and Montgomery County, providing a safe, reliable, cost-effective, and aesthetically pleasing corridor for the public by linking suburban communities with major roadways and improving mobility and safety.
On Phase 1 Section 1 (Harris County Toll Road Authority), Aguirre & Fields designed the traffic control plan, drainage and storm sewer, 6 ramps, and 12 retaining walls for a 2-mile section of roadway. Drainage was coordinated between Section 1, Section 2, TxDOT, and the State Highway 99 (Grand Parkway) contractor. Our team also provided the bridge layout and structural details for the Northpointe Drive overpass.
On Segment 2 (Montgomery County Toll Road Authority), Aguirre & Fields served as the Segment Lead for a 1.6-mile section of mainlanes, ramps, and overpasses between existing frontage roads. Our team was responsible for the traffic control plan, providing travelers with a safe route that maintained posted speeds throughout construction and provided a well-defined separation between traffic and the work zone.