Mercer Park is located along the banks of Cypress Creek in north Harris County. The existing CMP outfall for the storm sewer serving Aldine-Westfield Road had collapsed, causing severe erosion. The collapse also caused the potential for flooding of the roadway and adjoining properties.
Aguirre & Fields designed an outfall and access structure so park patrons and County maintenance personnel could access the creek. Because the existing storm sewer outfall elevation was significantly higher than the ordinary water surface elevation, severe erosion had taken place. The embankment was sandy and prone to erosion. Additionally, there was an AT&T overhead duct bank crossing parallel to the Aldine-Westfield bridge. Stability of the duct bank structure foundation required special attention and detail during design and construction.
Aguirre & Fields designed two junction boxes to reduce the grade of the storm sewer and mitigate the erosional effects of the water dropping onto the bank. To protect the embankment near the outfall, a drainage chute was designed with energy-absorbing dissipaters. Full height access stairs were provided. Gabion walls were used to protect the structure at the base and further stabilize the embankment adjacent to the outfall where slopes were steep and prone to sloughing. Completed on time and on budget, the project received positive feedback from the Harris County Flood Control District.