In an effort to address the expansive growth and development as well as the congestion along FM 664, TxDOT, in conjunction with the City of Ferris, City of Red Oak, and Ellis County are widening FM 664 from IH 35 to IH 45. The project will improve mobility and connectivity between the two major interstates. The project will impact an estimated 56,577 vehicles per day.
Aguirre & Fields is providing PS&E and related documents for the FM 664 widening project from east of Ryan Drive in the City of Red Oak to Ferris Rd, a new location construction from Ferris Rd to IH 45 in the City of Ferris, and a new grade-separated interchange at FM 664 and IH 45. The project entails widening the 2- to 4-lane rural roadway to a 6-lane divided urban arterial. The project is over 12 miles long and contains a municipal heliport, an elementary school, 6 churches, and hundreds of businesses. The corridor includes are over 240 driveways, 11 cross streets, 2 new intersections, 2 overpass railroad crossings, and two at-grade railroad crossings. In addition, the improvements will encourage pedestrian use throughout the corridor by adding a 14′ outside shared-use lane and sidewalks throughout.