Intersection improvements to Parmer Lane at I-35 in Austin continue with the installation of Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) along the project site, where a newly designed collector-distributor road is being constructed. Similar to an exit ramp, though longer, the new collector-distributor road will allow motorists to bypass traffic lights by traveling underneath the intersection.
Overseeing the TxDOT project’s progress are Aguirre & Fields Construction Inspectors Forrest and Tier Rogers. With over 50 years of combined construction experienced between them, this atypical father-son duo has become a trusted authority at construction sites throughout Texas.

“Coming from construction gives us real insight in knowing what the state expects of us,” says Tier. “I think that makes folks from TxDOT feel a lot more comfortable approaching us and asking questions that they know we have an innate understanding of, having worked the contractor’s side.”
“It feels good to know that TxDOT trusts us enough to not just ask us for that insight, but to really value it, once given,” adds Forrest.

Beyond their extensive construction experience, Forrest and Tier credit the unique relationship they have as being critical for their continued success.
“We have more than just a father-son relationship,” explains Forrest. “It’s a partnership. We’re able to bounce ideas off each other all the time, because between the two of us, we’ve just about seen it all when it comes to construction.”
“Oftentimes when we’re done on site, we go back to the apartment and think what could be done differently—how can it be improved?” adds Tier. “Having someone there to work it out, even after the workday is done, makes us more efficient when we’re back on site.”
With strong work ethics and high values placed upon family, Forrest and Tier feel at home at Aguirre & Fields.
“I feel like I’m working for the best company I’ve ever worked for in my life,” says Forrest. “When I came down with COVID-19 over the holidays, the outpouring of compassion and support that I received from everyone at Aguirre & Fields meant the world to me and my wife.”
“Having that human factor, and the values that this company has, makes a HUGE difference,” adds Tier. “I can say that having worked as many sites as I have, that it is not typical for a company to let you know that they care the way Aguirre & Fields does.”